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Month: September 2010

New stock.

(my stockpile cabinet, back in the day) I did a single-girl overhaul of my pantry last night. My ex-husband left in May, but it’s really taken this long for my…

Grocery Skating

Sometimes, when I shop at Kroger later in the evening and the store is mostly empty, and I’m bopping my head to “Glory Days” while selecting a pasta sauce, I…


So far, for me, one of the hardest parts of being single again is not having a built-in person to do things with. I’m not afraid to go places by…

Boot Scootin’ Boogie

In September 2007, my parents joined a new line dancing class at the community center in our neighborhood. They thought I would enjoy it too, so I started going with…

Do you know the muffin man?

As I’ve mentioned, on most Sunday nights, I try to prepare some sort of breakfast for the whole week. This prevents me from eating nothing but cereal or hitting McDonald’s.…