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Month: June 2013

Dinner Club at the Madison Rooftop

About a year ago, some girlfriends and I were discussing the plethora of cool Memphis restaurants that we hadn’t been to. We thought they would be great choices for dates,…

Friday Links

Friday Links time!!! ♥ Post of the week from the always-refreshing Christa Black: Why “Loving God and Loving People” Doesn’t Work. Really powerful reminder of grace. ♥ Kristen at Chasing…


I hate needing people. I’ve spent a lot of my adult life actively cultivating toughness and independence. It hasn’t come naturally. There’s nothing wrong with seeking to be stronger and…

Book Review: Emotional Vampires At Work by Albert J. Bernstein

Netgalley is great for finding books that I might never have heard about otherwise. One such book is Emotional Vampires at Work: Dealing with Bosses and Coworkers Who Drain You…

Craft and Garden Update

I’ve had a crafty few weeks. Here are some things I’ve made! Because I seem to need front-door decor for every month of the year, I made this cute semi-patriotic…