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Month: July 2013

Flutie Patootie

Something personally momentous happened last night. I went to my first practice of my suburb’s community band! I’ve played the flute off and on for most of my life. Since…

Friday Links

Happy Friday! I don’t have as many links as usual, since Google Reader took all of my starred posts with it to the grave. (I’ve emigrated to Feedly, which, to…

Book Review: Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge

I’ve written before about Captivating, the book that Stasi Eldredge co-authored with her husband John. Despite what some perceived as its narrow picture of womanhood, it really resonated with me…

Reach and Release

(The current prompt for my writing class is reach and release. I’m not sure if the following is the direction we were supposed to take, but it’s what came out.)…

Independence Day 2013

Independence Day is my favorite holiday. I’ve thrown a party for most of my adult Fourths. This year’s party was pretty easy because almost everyone brought a (delicious) dish! I…