General Highlights: July 2016: 95 degrees outside, 65 degrees inside. Daily thunderstorms, political conventions, unrest all over the world, and Pokemon everywhere you look. The Fourth of July is my…
General Highlights: July 2016: 95 degrees outside, 65 degrees inside. Daily thunderstorms, political conventions, unrest all over the world, and Pokemon everywhere you look. The Fourth of July is my…
Recently I wrote about my experience preparing for and going through PRK vision surgery. Here’s the story of the aftermath and how my eyes are doing now! The Recovery In the…
I had PRK vision surgery three weeks ago, and I think it’s safe to say it was a success! Throughout the process, I read LOTS of information and personal accounts…
General Highlights: My June revolved around two events: taking a long-planned trip to San Francisco with my dad and sister, and getting PRK on June 23. Everything else was secondary.…