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Category: fall

Wild on Wednesday: Fall Edition

I haven’t done a Wild On Wednesday (aka Favorite Things) in a while, so this will be pretty random! A year after admitting defeat with a gorgeous but painful pair of calf-hair…

Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins

(I welcome muffin tin cleaning tips) Now that it’s October, I can enjoy all the pumpkin things I want without feeling weird about it! A friend linked me to this…

Thanksgiving 2011

My dad and brother view Thanksgiving as a deer-hunting holiday, so unlike most families, mine tends to scatter for the turkey feast. :\ This year, my sister and brother-in-law invited me to his…

Friday Linkage

I wasn’t planning to get a pumpkin this year, but when I saw them at Easy-Way, I couldn’t resist! For the design, I just found a “B” font I liked, freehanded it onto the…

Life Lately

Here’s some of what I’ve been up to… Two of these people are excited. LOL!!! Friday night was Memphis Madness, the first official scrimmage of the Tiger basketball season. The…