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Category: gardening

Life Lately 1/30

This weekend was truly fantastic. I got to hang out with so many of my favorite people! On Friday night, Hillary and David had a well-attended show at the Main…

Roasted Red Peppers (or, Adventures in Canning)

One way or another, I’ve planned to can produce this summer. I planted six tomato plants and expected to be a stewing, soup-making fool by now. Sadly, due to some…

Lawn & Garden Update

My garden has grown notably over the last month or so! The only plants really thriving are the jalapenos and cucumbers. Everything else is flowering, but the flowers wither and…

Rose Tour

This week will be kind of heavy emotionally, so I’m starting off with a happy flower post! :) Thanks to my article-clipping mom, I found out about a “rose open…

The 2011 Garden

I look forward to my vegetable garden all winter. This will be my fourth year of gardening. It was hard to wait until April 15! But now everything is in…