It’s that time again! Here are the songs that encapsulated my year. My self-imposed rules: no repeat artists (duets/feat.s don’t count), and the final edit has to fit on a…
It’s that time again! Here are the songs that encapsulated my year. My self-imposed rules: no repeat artists (duets/feat.s don’t count), and the final edit has to fit on a…
I had a great birthday weekend! My birthday won’t be over the weekend again for a while, so I wanted to make the most of it. On Friday night, my…
Throughout the year, I spend way too much time and energy curating a musical yearbook of sorts. It’s a labor of love. When I started doing this in 2002, iPods…
I refuse to engage in any Christmas activities until Thanksgiving is over. But now that December is here, I’m firing up the holiday music! I love to hear about people’s…
For the last several weeks, I’ve been unabashedly obsessed with Taylor Swift’s 1989. Sometimes I stop and take a mental picture* the first time I hear a song, because I…