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Category: the writing life

October Book List

Yes, this looks like a month of pure fluff. I have been reading heavier things, but haven’t managed to finish them yet. Names My Sisters Call Me by Megan CraneMegan…

Online Trends

Can someone explain Pinterest to me, and what makes it so great? I typically use Delicious to bookmark interesting stuff, and weheartit to find cool images (including the one above).…

Quote of the Week

I’ve been in the middle of Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones for a long time now. It takes me forever to read meaty or instructional books, because I’m afraid…

Meet and greet.

Last night I went, with my mom and Kevin’s girlfriend Stefanie, to hear Angela Thomas speak at a local megachurch. I first read Do You Think I’m Beautiful? several years…

New Venture

I’ve always enjoyed writing and wanted to Do Something with it, but for years I’ve been paralyzed by perfectionism and limited thinking. Now I’m really working on being open to possibilites,…