Now that Labor Day weekend is over, it’s time to tally the stats for summer 2011!
States visited: 4 (1 new)
Siblings moved to new homes: 2 (that’s 100%)
Weddings attended: 1
Game show auditions: 1*
Nashville trips: 3
Major appliance replacements/repairs: 3
Parties attended: Many
Trips to YoLo: Plentiful
Salads consumed: Innumerable
Afternoons spent poolside: 0 (still can’t figure out how this happened)
Days spent at the ocean: 4
Heat: Third-hottest Memphis summer in recorded history (source)
Garden report: About 20 jalapenos and 20 cucumbers harvested; everything else died
Baseball games attended: 3
Movies seen in the theater: 5
Total percentage of summer weekends spent out of town: 50%
It’s been a good summer – possibly the most eventful of my life. But I welcome fall! I’m really looking forward to settling down, getting back on a more regular schedule, watching football, enjoying wonderful weather, seeing friends more, and starting some new events at church.
* = I never heard anything more from Wheel of Fortune. They said callbacks would be in August, but I wasn’t contacted, nor do I know anyone who was, and I’m not sure if the callbacks happened at all (I have a Google Alert set and am generally in touch with local news). At this point I’m assuming that’s the end of it, but you never know. In any case it was a great experience!
I’m sorry nothing came of you audition, but I think it’s cool you tried!
I’m glad you had a good summer (and busy!), but I know what you mean about looking forward to more structure and a bit of calm. I’m looking forward to it too. :)