Meet Me At Our Spot – THE ANXIETY // A dad on TikTok did a hilarious dance with his baby to this song, which endeared me to it forever. I just found out this week that the woman on the track is Willow Smith!!
Alaska – Pinegrove // Something about Pinegrove is pleasingly throwback to me.
I’ll Call You Mine – girl in red // Sticks in your head very easily.
Numb Little Bug – Em Beihold // A jaunty tune about depression… perfect for our times.
My Love – Florence + The Machine // Classic Flo drama. Based on the first verse, as far as I’m concerned, this is about writer’s block. Can relate.
Kings & Queens – Ava Max // On International Women’s Day, I saw a video of this playing over the Fearless Girl statue surrounded by broken glass (i.e. the glass ceiling). Now I see it as an anthem.
THATS WHAT I WANT – Lil Nas X // Such a bop.
As It Was – Harry Styles // If I picked one song to represent 2022, this would be it. Truly the Year of Harry. My nieces on Taylor’s side went to his show in Chicago and I was jealous!
The Lightning II – Arcade Fire // A DAY! A WEEK! A MONTH! A YEAR!
About Damn Time – Lizzo // Runner-up for Song of 2022.
Running Up That Hill – Kate Bush // Count me as one who had never heard this before it was featured on Stranger Things, even though I was around in the 80s.
Want Want – Maggie Rogers // SO GOOD. I can’t explain it, but if I was in my early 20s now, I think Maggie Rogers would be to me what Michelle Branch was then.
Bejeweled – Taylor Swift // A song that helps me remember who I am.
Broken Horses – Brandi Carlile // This first verse is so badass. I’ve been guilty of restarting the song multiple times in a row to hear it again. Brandi rules!!
SNAP – Rosa Linn // Just a song that made me stop and ask, “Who is this?” Right in my wheelhouse.
With My Heart – Super Simple Songs // In this house we listen to hours and hours of Super Simple Songs. Of their whole catalog, this song is probably my favorite. I love the accompanying cartoon too. (Me more than once: “The mom just sets the baby in the crib and it happily goes to sleep with no fuss?!?”)
Your Labor Is Not In Vain – The Porter’s Gate // We sing this occasionally at my church. It’s a message I continue to need.
What were some songs you loved this year?
Past Years: 2021 // 2020 // 2019 // 2018 // 2017 // 2016 // 2015 // 2014
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