I’ve completed this survey every December since 2001. This year, complete with collages to capture my best and/or most meaningful moments of the year! You can find past posts in the Year End tag.
What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before? Got covid; became a liturgist at church; enrolled in a group diet and exercise program; lost a family member younger than me; enrolled my child in daycare; got a couple of store credit cards; didn’t make it to a single Tiger football game; dedicated my child at church (on my first Mother’s Day!); got physical therapy; experienced the theft of a family car; took my child to his/our ancestral homeland of Miami; lived in a different state from my mother for almost six months; got another piercing in my ears.
What was your word for the year? My One Word for 2022 was Renew. I must admit that despite my hopes and efforts, I did not experience much renewal. Maybe I’ll see it years from now in retrospect. My mantra for the year was I Am Doing My Best, and I’m keeping it for at least another year.
What new places did you visit? I don’t think I went anywhere new. I went to Miami three times, which was good for my soul even if two of the trips were for sad reasons. I also had a fun long weekend in Destin with Kara.

What dates from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? March 4 – officially went back to the office (2 days a week at that point). May 8 – C’s dedication at church and my first Mother’s Day. June 5 – C’s first birthday! June 13 – my cousin Diana died. September 22 – my grandma died. October 1 – started a new work schedule of three set days per week in the office.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 43. It was a Tuesday. I took the day off and went to the first session of my 8-week exercise class, where we measured all the “befores” (not the most fun on my birthday, but oh well). Then I got Starbucks, went downtown to Golden Hour and treated myself to a plant, and picked up Panera for lunch. In the evening, my MIL watched C so Taylor and I could go to dinner (Fancy’s Fish House) and a movie (Nope).
How will you spend Christmas? We’ll spend Christmas Day with my parents and Taylor’s parents. My siblings and their families will all be here the following week!

Did anyone close to you have a child in 2022? My brother and his wife had a beautiful baby girl. I can’t wait to meet her!!
Did anyone close to you die? My cousin Diana (age 24) and my grandma (age 84). It’s been a hard year for my family.
What 2022 achievements are you most proud of? I got physical therapy that I really needed; stuck with the Peloton and have completed over 100 rides; suggested a women’s clothing swap at church that’s already become an exciting semi-annual event; hit five years at my company; KEPT A TODDLER (and myself) ALIVE.

What do you wish you had done differently? I wish I’d learned how to do more with my fancy espresso machine than make a basic espresso. Maybe next year.
What was the biggest challenge you faced? Childcare; trees falling on my house. (This was a placeholder and I planned to elaborate, but really, what more can you say.)
Did you suffer illness or injury? I continued recovering from pregnancy, which has been a longer and more complex process than I ever expected. I got covid for the first time ever (we made it over 2 years!!), and the flu for the first time in 10 years. Thankfully I was vaccinated for both and am fine. My son has been sick a lot since starting daycare in July, but Taylor and I have stayed fairly healthy.

What was your best purchase? A Costco membership. Undergarments that actually fit. This grape cutter. Also, I got this rice cooker for Christmas last year and am thankful for it each time I use it. (It does quinoa too!)
Where did most of your money go? Baby accoutrements and things for the home. (I went through a serious throw pillow cover phase this fall.)
What did you get really, really, really excited about? C’s baby dedication at church; C’s first Tigers and Grizzlies games; my first Cooper-Young Fest and Central Gardens Home Tour since the pandemic; the haircut my hairdresser gave me in August; Grizzlies going to the playoffs again.
What song will always remind you of 2022? I’m still working on The 2022 Soundtrack – will come back and link it later.
What concerts did you attend this year? Weezer and Counting Crows at Music Fest. I went with Ashley. It was my first concert since February 2020, and I had just gotten over covid, so I was euphoric. I felt so free!!

What were your favorite books? I’ll come back and link the year-end book post. I wait until the end of December to make sure I get them all in!
What were your favorite TV programs? Two of my favorite shows, This Is Us and Better Call Saul, ended this year (give Rhea Seehorn the Emmy!!). I was also obsessed with For All Mankind, the greatest show that no one is watching. I didn’t see season 1 of The White Lotus, but Taylor invited me to watch season 2 with him and it was SO GOOD. Other things I watched this year: Station Eleven, Inventing Anna, Sins of Our Mother, Blockbuster, The Inventor.
What were your favorite films? I need to start keeping better track of movies I watch. I have record of only four, all good: Don’t Look Up, Matrix Resurrections, Encanto, and Nope. I don’t get much time to watch things.

What was your favorite sports moment? Steven Adams carrying the Bulls’ Tony Bradley away from a fight.
What was the best gift you received? A “tree of life” necklace from Tiffany’s from Taylor for our anniversary. I also really enjoyed my birthday party at Wiseacre. It was a gift in itself.
What did you want and get? A reliable daycare for C; for C to start walking; a hybrid work schedule; to lose a little baby weight; for democracy to survive.
What did you want and not get? To go to New York for our anniversary; for C to sleep through the night; various non-substantive car repairs; clean floors; more time to exercise; more quality time with my husband.

How would you describe your personal style this year? I went a little sportier this year and am trying out more sneaker looks. Rarely wore a dress and got rid of a lot of skirts. Still living in my Lucky Brand Ava skinny jeans, even though skinnies are supposed to be dead. I do have a couple of thrifted straight-leg jeans that I’m trying out, but I feel weirdly sloppy in them.
What was your Color of the Year? I’ve always loved the range of blue-greens, but I recently noticed that I’ve purchased a lot of sea green? mint? items this year.
What celebrity or public figure did you fancy the most? Honestly, various TikTokers and Instagrammers are my celebrities these days.

Who was the best new person you met? I met a neighbor of mine last fall at our friend Vada’s going-away party, and have basically been trying to get together with her this entire year. LOL. Life!!
What political issue stirred you the most? How about, not discussing my political beliefs on most platforms because I’ve taken a big left turn in the last 10 years and I do not have the time or energy for pointless arguments with people I’ve known a long time. Or the fortitude to explain why people should care about other people, or mothers shouldn’t have to die preventable deaths, or Nazis are bad. Even though this stuff occupies a sizable chunk of my brain daily. I’m tired!
How have your beliefs changed this year? My beliefs per se haven’t changed much, but my perspective on many things is different now that I have a kid.

What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked this year? See above “what did you want and not get.” An even more flexible work schedule would also do wonders for my life, but I don’t really see that happening.
What behaviors do you want to change in 2023? Everything? I just want to be better. I feel like I’m failing at everything all the time. I can’t do even half of what I want to do. Any moments of inner peace or contentment with myself are short-lived.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. I tried to find something cheerier, but honestly:
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life?
Like you’re not really happy but you don’t wanna die?
Like you’re hanging by a thread but you gotta survive,
‘Cause you gotta survive. – Em Beihold

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