I’ve completed this survey every December since 2001. You can find past years’ posts in the Year End tag!
What did you do in 2024 that you’d never done before? Wore my hair straight semi-regularly; threw a goodbye party for my uterus; took care of a diabetic child; took a trip with my bestie, our husbands, and all our kids; hit my health insurance deductible; took a leave from work unrelated to having a baby.

What was your word for the year? Revive. I continued my tradition of going to a January craft night with Sarah to make vision boards for the year. The flamingo symbolizes a mom-empowerment movement my friend Kelsey told me about called Get Your Pink Back.
This was not planned, but a mantra for the year emerged: Mom, I Am a Rich Man. It’s a Cher quote – she said her mother told her to marry a rich man, and that was her response. I am in fact married to a successful man, but I like knowing I also have my own success. Also it reminds me of my late grandma, who in her later years could not grasp that I had A Career and would say how nice it was that I have a little job for some pocket money. Lol.

What new places did you visit? The only new place I went this year was Portland, Maine. I loved it! We also went to Key West, Miami/Hollywood Beach, Hot Springs, and Boston, and I had a weekend in Chicago by myself.
What dates from 2024 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? February 5 – C’s admission to the hospital and diabetes diagnosis. February 9 – hysterectomy. April 8 – total solar eclipse. May 20 – C got his insulin pump (no more shots!). November 5 – the election.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 45. It was a Friday, so I worked from home, did a Peloton live ride, and had dinner at South of Beale with Taylor and C and my MIL. The next night I had dinner and drinks with friends.

How will you spend Christmas? Here in Memphis with my parents and in-laws. My siblings and their kids will arrive after Christmas.
Did anyone close to you have a child in 2024? No one close.
Did anyone close to you die? No. A few days ago it looked like my oldest uncle wasn’t going to make it through the holidays, but he has somehow rallied.

What 2024 achievements are you most proud of? Surviving C’s diabetes diagnosis and the first few months of being a diabetes parent… while recovering from surgery myself. Helping to get his A1C into his target range in less than a year. Managing his developmental therapies and progress (Taylor does most of the diabetes management, I coordinate most of the early intervention stuff). Taking fairly drastic but effective steps to regain my health and strength. Going back on Lexapro after going through a lot to get off of it, because I knew it was best for me and my family.
What do you wish you had done differently? I wish I’d had time and motivation to complete more CLEs for my paralegal license. I have a LOT of catching up to do in 2025.

What was the biggest challenge you faced? Aside from the obvious: PASSPORTS. Taylor and I already had passports, but they got lost somewhere in the house. I found his but not mine. We attempted to complete a passport appointment for myself and C on three separate occasions… then had to go three separate places to find a passport photo place with a working camera. After the applications were finally filed, they called about what name I wanted on mine (I have two legal middle names). THEN I got a notice that the form about losing my previous passport wasn’t signed. I have mailed a new form and am praying this is the end of it. It is crucial to me that our family be able to leave the country if needed. I started trying to get this done in August. AUGUST!!!
Did you suffer illness or injury? Surgery recovery, various sinus crud, sketchy mental health; recently, strained wrist ligaments serious enough to need a brace. I have since learned this is a common mom injury, which makes sense since it was totally child-related.

What was your best purchase? New Kindle and new phone, this summer. Also my Pilates classes. They are not cheap but may be the best thing I do for myself health-wise.
Where did most of your money go? Medical bills!! Also probably milk.

What were your best new discoveries? I discovered that my mostly-fine curly hair didn’t need the intense conditioners I’ve always piled onto it. I switched to lighter-formula products (Odele shampoo and conditioner, lighter leave-ins) and my hairdresser could tell a difference immediately. Also, I’m happy that most of my old Twitter gang has finally reconvened on Bluesky.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? Going to Judy Blume’s bookstore in Key West. Voting. Sleeping. Never having a period again. The Breakthrough T1D Walk. Seeing another total solar eclipse.

What song will always remind you of 2024? Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter
What concerts did you attend this year? None… but I went to the ballet once?!

What was your greatest musical discovery? Chappell Roan
What were your favorite TV programs? I guess SNL since it’s the only show I watched even semi-regularly.
What were your favorite films? The only movies I saw in the theater were Twisters and Wicked. Oh and I watched the Martha documentary on Netflix. It was very good!

What was your favorite sports moment? The Grizzlies’ 50-point beatdown of the Warriors last week was an A+ game experience. Cool retro jerseys, great energy, multiple Three 6 Mafia songs AND someone singing Hot to Go, and of course a great win.
What was the best gift you received? My birthday present from Taylor was a weekend in Chicago by myself.

What did you want and get? To lose a little weight (about 10 pounds) and get my strength back. More time with friends. Brief moments of feeling like my whole, pre-kid self again.
What did you want and not get? A different election result. An opportunity I was really excited about. Also, aurora was visible in Memphis TWICE this year and I didn’t see anything either time.

How would you describe your personal style in 2024? I invested in a few pairs of non-skinny jeans and worked on better styling. I have an old thrifted sweater dress from Old Navy that I currently would like in 10 colors to wear over leggings until the end of time. I also got my second ear piercing re-done AND got a third!
What was your Color of the Year? Forest green. I’ve committed to my self-diagnosed Deep Autumn color palette.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Taylor Swift, of course.

Who was the best new person you met? C’s whole diabetes team and a few new “diabuddies.” They made our crash landing into a new reality much easier. I also grew closer to multiple church friends and am excited for that to continue. My community really showed up for me this year. <3

What political issue stirred you the most? …All of them?
How have your beliefs changed this year? I wouldn’t say my beliefs changed, but I did recently decide that I am done entertaining disingenuous comments and questions, or defending facts and/or basic human decency, or even my personal beliefs and life choices. My energy and peace are more valuable than ever and I’m not going to waste them. Unless I believe someone is operating in good faith (which is rare), I am not going to engage. Let them think what they want.

What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked this year? Quality time with my husband. More time to be a human. A better sense of if writing is a thing I do anymore and if it’s even worth keeping this blog open.
What behaviors do you want to change in 2025? I want to journal more or do some sort of documentation. I wrote so much down for years and years, and now a bunch of time is slipping by that I’ll barely remember. I also want to establish a better prayer practice.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. ‘Cause I’m a real tough kid, I can handle my shit. They said, “Babe, you gotta fake it till you make it” and I did. – Taylor Swift

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