(Jessica Simpson “Oscar” heels. Say what you will, the woman knows shoes.)
You know what would be fantastic? An internet application in which you could make a wish list of all the items you’re currently in the market for, and it would alert you whenever those items go on sale anywhere, or when the prices drop into a specified range. You’d never have to look at Sunday ads or waste tons of time comparison shopping again! If I had any software skills, I would have already made this happen myself, so others can feel free to run with the idea and become billionaires. Just let me know when it’s finished so I can be an early adopter!
(Speaking of shoes, a box containing these and these arrived on my doorstep from DSW yesterday. Happy September to me!)
That’s a brilliant idea! Someone will invent it one of these days, I’m sure.
Also? Those are amazing prices! No wonder you bought them now!