General Highlights:
I’m a summer girl, and I made the most of June with pool time, beach time, patios, and frozen treats!

I had two visitors this month. I actually didn’t know Hannah before she stayed with me the first week of June – she was the sister of a friend who needed somewhere to stay while she attended training for her job. Happily, we hit it off right away and had a fantastic time together. I was sad to see her go! Then, my longtime friend Esther visited me and Alanna last weekend as part of her Farewell Tour before she moves overseas! Confession: I’m friends with all of these people Because of the Internet. It’ll change your life.

For Father’s Day, I took my dad to brunch and to Bass Pro to pick out a gift. He’s difficult to buy for, but this approach was a success! I’m thankful for every Father’s Day I get with him.

Most importantly (and sadly), I had to put my cat Peach down on June 5. She had been sick for a long time, we were both at our wit’s end, and the vet agreed there was nothing more I could do for her. I’m sad, but relieved that she’s no longer suffering. Losing both of my cats within a year has been rough. Still, I’m trying to make the most of being petless for the first time in thirteen years, and am taking a pet break for the near future.

I read a respectable quantity this month, and especially enjoyed Lindsey Leavitt’s The Chapel Wars; Tommy Wallace’s insightful pre-apocalyptic novel We All Looked Up; and the collected works of Glennon Doyle Melton, who is quickly attaining guru status for me.
I also continued working through Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey. It’s taking me fooooreeeeeverrrr, not because I’m bored, but because it’s so profound.
And yes, I’m three months behind on non-ARC book reviews. Eventually I’ll post the entire backlog at once.

My work held a raffle for a preview screening of Jurassic World and I won tickets! I am not a Jurassic purist, and LOVED the movie for exactly what it is. I’m planning to see it again before it leaves theaters. And Chris Pratt racing through the jungle night on a motorcycle among his pack of raptors: YOWZA. I also saw Melissa McCarthy’s Spy with my dad. It’s foul, but really hilarious, and the most blatantly feminist comedy I’ve ever seen.

The new Florence + The Machine is LEGIT.
I can’t embed it, but yesterday the Grizzlies released a short film about beloved player Marc Gasol, by locals Craig Brewer and Justin Timberlake. If you want a glimpse into what Memphis is about and what the Grizz mean to this city, watch!
I went to Alabama this month to see my sister and her family, and we took a side trip to Panama City Beach!

Around Town:
I’ve lived in Midtown for two and a half months now, and every single day I pause to appreciate how lucky I am. It’s so easy to participate in whatever’s going on nearby or downtown. For example, I can go to more summer movies at the Orpheum – like Clueless, which I attended in costume (aka something I totally would have worn in high school and would still like to today). It’s one of my all-time favorite movies, and I’d been ridiculously excited about it since the schedule came out.

Esther joined Kathy, Daniel, and me last Saturday for the first annual Tiger basketball Alumni Game on campus at the Field House. Almost every beloved Tiger of the last 20 years was in attendance, and I was BESIDE MYSELF. After the game (which was so much fun – it was close until the very end, when the younger guys pulled ahead of the older guys), the players had a short meet-and-greet on the court. I was so starstruck that Esther had to steer me around and keep other fans from skipping ahead of me. I got to meet Joey Dorsey, my second-favorite Tiger of all time (he was our big man during the 2007-08 runner-up season), as well as two other recent-ish faves, Wesley Witherspoon and Geron Johnson.

My #1, D.J. Stephens, was also there, but I’ve met him before, so I had to prioritize. :)

At Home:
My dad helped me frame my small garden area with pavers, and I’m slowly filling it with flowers! I’ve never gotten to start with a clean slate before. It’s exciting, but a little intimidating. I have to think carefully about how the plants will complement each other, both now and in the future. Hopefully I’ve done an okay job. I’ll write a garden post when I’m done planting. Meanwhile, I have herbs, tomatoes, and one jalapeno in pots!
I’ve resumed experimenting with Popsicles (I use these molds). This ginger-mango Popsicle recipe is delicious!
Random Happiness:
Last Sunday marked one year since I walked through the doors of my church for the first time (or, I should say, the school where my church meets). I’m so glad I did. I feel more thankful all the time to be a little part of what God is doing there, and happy to have found the Christian Island of Misfit Toys at last, where I can be the Charlie-in-a-box that I am.
I’m not exactly celebrating this, but I got on Tinder this month despite my well-documented disdain for online dating. Summary/understatement of the year: it was a decision I had to make for the sake of my overall well-being. Well, it’s been a good experience so far! I’m going on dates and talking to some interesting guys, which is all I’m shooting for right now. Maybe I’ll write more about it soon (I’m still a little touchy about the whole thing), but overall, I recommend Tinder if you’ve also had bad experiences with the serious/expensive dating sites. The simplicity and low pressure is exactly what I needed, and despite what you may hear, it’s fairly easy to identify and fend off guys who are just looking for a hookup.
Pinterest Quote of the Month:

Posts I Loved:
♥ Samantha at Moving Peaces: The Scramble
♥ A beautiful, sad story from Kerry Smith: Of Days Fading.
♥ Kelle Hampton: Creating Inspiration, Disguised But Breathing
♥ Allison Vesterfelt at Storyline: Why I Keep Blogging When It Doesn’t Change Lives
♥ Stories from the Brooke: I love you. I know.
♥ If You Find This Email of the Month: You’re the Girl
I’m glad to hear your summer is going well. And I’m so sorry about Peach. That must have been really hard. Hugs.
I love your Clueless outfit! And your garden, I love that you are able to grow things at your new place. I look forward to that post.
Spy is one movie I want to see. And Inside Out is another, (I think.) We’ve been talking about taking the kids to see it but haven’t had a good opportunity yet. :)
Yes, I really want to see Inside Out too!
I loved Jurassic World too!! So great. And I cannot WAIT to see Spy. And I want friends to dress up from Clueless with. Your blog is pretty awesome, I came over from Leigh Kramer for a look-see. Have a great rest of summer!!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
I’m sorry for the loss of your cat. The death of a pet is so hard! I didn’t realize there was a new Florence and the Machine album out. I’m going to have to listen to that today.