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Month: April 2012

Call and Answer

I know a LOT of people. Therefore, I’m privy to a LOT of personal needs and tragedies, and sometimes the magnitude of all that suffering overwhelms me. I feel like…

Tilapia With Wine and Tomatoes

As grilling season begins, I want to share my favorite grilling recipe! It tastes kind of fancy, but is very easy to make and ready in a few minutes. You…

He Is Risen

Volunteer amaryllii on the side of my house I hope everyone had a nice Easter! My Easter weekend was a much needed time of refreshment. Good Friday was especially perfect…

Wild On Wednesday

As I often post on Wednesdays, here are a few things I’m currently wild about: (source) Tarragon vinegar. It’s the best salad-dressing vinegar ever. Trust me.   These skirts (from…

Planting Day 2012

My 2012 vegetable garden went into the ground yesterday! This will be my third (I think?) year gardening in the same location, but with a big upgrade. My dad built…