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Planting Day 2012

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My 2012 vegetable garden went into the ground yesterday! This will be my third (I think?) year gardening in the same location, but with a big upgrade. My dad built a raised bed out of planks I already had in my shed, extending it down to the far side of the chimney. On Saturday he filled it up with Pro Mix from the local nursery. No more struggling with heavy clay soil! Bonnie plants (my usual brand) were half off at Home Depot this weekend, so I went there and loaded up. Then I spent yesterday afternoon planting!

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I picked up about six tomato plants (Better Boy, Early Girl, Arkansas Traveler, Sweet 100, Celebrity, and a grape tomato), a huge assortment of peppers, several squash, cucumbers, and an eggplant. They should all have plenty of room to spread out. Thanks to the extra space, I added herbs too. I usually grow those in pots, so I’m interested to see how they do in the ground. But I reserved most of the new section for watermelons – my brother-in-law’s dad gave me some heirloom watermelon seeds at Thanksgiving! I’ve never grown them before, so I don’t know how much space they’ll need. Either way, it’s still too early for them. I know it seems reckless to plant any vegetables on April 1, but I didn’t think twice about it because it’s already summer here. This March was officially the hottest on record. As in, since they’ve been keeping records.

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After trying various unsuccessful watering methods, I’m sticking with a basic soaker hose this year. (Which I will arrange better once it uncurls.) My dad suggested I run it fifteen minutes a day. I already have a watering timer (worth its weight in gold), so we’ll see if that’s the magical amount.

I say this a lot, but I’m SO thankful for my dad’s ongoing help with home and garden things. I get a little more capable each year, and I do as much as I can on my own, but I’m still only one person. People are impressed when they hear that I own my own home and do the yard work and stuff myself, and that makes me feel good, but I could never manage it all without my dad. Because of him, I have a home and yard and garden that I love and feel proud of. I’m very blessed.

I haven’t even talked about the things that are blooming right now, so expect a flower update later this week. I know you’re excited! ;)

Published infamilygardening


  1. Pretty!! I will be begging for a homegrown tomato! I’m very impressed by your green thumb (and many other gifts!)

  2. It DOES feel early to be planting, but the weather has been so strange lately that I totally understand why you’re already getting things in the ground! I have my pumpkins growing indoor right now, and after they germinate they’ll be in the ground too! Happy gardening!!!

  3. […] expanded it, and tilled some fertilizer into the ground. The plants did slightly better. In 2012, my dad built me a raised bed out of leftover shelving in my shed. We filled the bed with a “pro mix” blend from the […]

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