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Month: September 2014

What I’m Into: September

General Highlights: Sorry to start off all Debbie Downer, but September brought serious lowlights. On the 3rd, when I took my beloved cat Gandalf to the vet for what I…

Hawaii One-Four

Sometime in August, Bethany, my close friend of ten years, invited me to Hawaii. She and her husband and sons, plus her sister-in-law and SIL’s boyfriend, had booked a beach…

Elegy For A Black Cat

In the fall of 2002, my then-boss took in a stray, pregnant cat. When the four kittens were born, she offered one to me and Kathy, my roommate of five…

Waiting Bravely

Psalms 27:14 caught my attention when I saw it in a blog post last week. While I’m familiar with the verse, I hadn’t seen it in this (unknown) translation, which…

Real Time Florida Lobster Diving

Lobster diving is a long tradition in my family. When my dad and uncles were kids, my grandfather took them out diving every weekend of lobster season. It’s in their…