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Another Alabama Road Trip

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I was in Alabama for most of last week – hence the quiet around here. My mom and I drove to Montgomery on Wednesday for my brother-in-law Lance’s ordination! My family is Nazarene, and in their denomination, pastors have to work for several years before they can become ordained. So this was a celebration of a calling already in process! I’m VERY proud of Lance, and Debra too. Being a pastor’s spouse is not for the faint of heart.

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I’d never been to an ordination service before. I’ve heard they can go on forever, but there were only two candidates at this one, so it was pretty focused and interesting. Lance was prayed over by his mentor Scott, who has presided over many major events of his life so far: he was his youth pastor, performed his wedding to my sister, dedicated my niece, and now finalized his ordination! I love their relationship.

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On Thursday we continued on to Dothan to visit for a few days. Debra and I had come down with the same cold (or something) independently of each other, so neither of us felt great, but we still managed to have some fun. I got in plenty of quality time with Niecy, who turns two this week and is such an awesome little person. We played around the house, and my mom and I took her to a great park that had tons of play structures and every kind of sports field you can think of.

On Saturday, we loaded up the car and drove to Panama City Beach!

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Our previous outing to PCB was kind of a disaster, but this day completely redeemed it. The water was calm, the temperature was perfect, and everyone was well and happy! As usual, I felt deeply at peace a) being in my home state and b) communing with the ocean. For me, nothing in this world compares to being covered in salt, sand, and sunscreen, with nowhere to rush off to.

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I didn’t sign up for World Book Night this year because I knew I’d be out of town. But Lance signed up anyway and handed out copies of Bridge to Terabithia at the beach! I was impressed.

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When we hopped into the car to drive to the pier, windows down, Niecy put her hands up like she was on a roller coaster. Clearly she was as beach-happy as the rest of us ladies.

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The Panama City Beach pier is very nice and offers great nature- and people-watching.

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The niceness of the pier may be partially due to its hilarious overabundance of rules. My favorite thing about the No Profanity sign is its vague threat of “disciplinary action.” Debra, Lance, and I decided it probably involved being thrown over the side.

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Happy and full of delicious ice cream, we headed back to Dothan.

My mom and I drove home to Memphis on Sunday, along a route that was hit by multiple tornadoes on Monday. I’m glad to be back safely!

Published inaunthoodfamilyfloridatravel


  1. Let me guess- your route was the one I take to my parents- Highway 45? Also, the rules are very funny, but I remember my dad telling me that the Marine Patrol (that’s who patrols the waterways in the Gulf Coast) are very, very strict. You can’t even touch a fishing pole on a boat without a license without getting a ticket for 200 dollars. It’s crazy, but they are serious.

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