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Bits and Pieces

I’m back! A few days to recharge without having to rush off to anywhere was just what I needed. I feel very refreshed! But I’d forgotten that when I spend a weekend by myself at home, it goes A LOT like this:

(I’m so serious. Replace dog with two cats.)

Anyway, I’m glad to rejoin society today, knowing that I’ll come home to a clean, organized, fall-decorated house.


Trifle dish + fake flowers from last year’s fall wreath + table runner = no-cost fall table.

closet092511 (2) 

I bought this adorable Pier 1 hook to use as a belt rack. It’s a little extravagant for the inside of a closet, but I’ll see it every day and it makes me happy. (I succesfully used a drill for this and several other tasks over the weekend. All the women independent, throw your hands up at me.)


When I was growing up, my mom had copper pans just like these. About a year ago I got nostalgic about them and wanted to hang them in my own kitchen, but she had sold hers at a yard sale. So she found identical molds at another yard sale and gave them to me. :) I couldn’t decide where to put them, but this weekend I just picked a spot and nailed them up. They make me happy.

Plate Style

I stopped in at Anthropologie on Friday. Their prices are so ridiculous that I only go there for inspiration. Since I can’t pin items in real life, I took some sneaky cameraphone pics. I love this mustard-colored top – the polka dots sealed the deal. Maybe Target will have something similar. I wouldn’t have paired it with forest green AND navy blue, but who am I to question Anthropologie styling? :) And the dish is something to keep in mind for my next trip to Seize the Clay.

Finally, I read this cover to cover. It was perfect and I can’t stop thinking about it. After some reflection, I’ve decided the trilogy is sort of a teenage, steampunk, role-reversed Princess Bride. It has adventure, history, science, politics, etc., and is more romantic than you’d think any of those things could be. That is the genius of Scott Westerfeld.

How was everyone else’s weekend?

Published indomesticfashionreading


  1. I’ve never seen that movie but now I kind of want to, and I totally understand that feeling. Sigh, we are such girls.

    I’m going to do my Fall decorating today, and now I’m even more inspired to get going on it!

    I really need to read that trilogy. I <3 Westerfeld.

  2. Haha, love that clip! What’s that movie about? I’ve never heard of it.

    I love your fall table–SO CUTE! How’s that wreath coming along?

    Your belt holder is adorable! And I love your cake pans display, too.

    I love polka dots, too, and that combination really works, though I don’t think I’d have thought of putting it all together, either.

    I keep forgetting I want to try something by Westerfield. I’m hoping to go to the library tomorrow (or at least by Wednesday); I’ll have to see if I can find something by him.

  3. Tessa Tessa

    That clip was hilarious, I can so relate!

    I also love your table runner and what you did with the decorative bowl. Pretty!

  4. Carol, I’ve read all of his books except for the Midnighters series (which can be hard to find). I really think the Leviathan books are his best work, which is saying something since all the others were great too. Oh and the movie clip is from Easy A.

    Thanks all!

  5. R R

    I love autumn and would love to do more decorating. I did get a head start the other day with an autumn art project for my kids (cheap paintable wood plaques from Michael’s and an instruction to draw something fall-y) — it’s not as fancy or pretty as your darling table, but it’ll do for now … till the kids are beyond breaking trifle dish phase. :)

    That looks like a fun(ny) movie! I need to check that out. And I’m intrigued by the book at the end of your post. So many fun things you talked about here … thanks for sharing. Glad you had a nice restful weekend!

  6. For all my talk of wanting to decorate for fall, I have had no luck finding much. I plan to hit up Hobby Lobby, per your suggestion, but it’s quite out of the way from where I live so I really have to coordinate other out-of-the-way things to make it worth going.

    I’ve never been to Anthropologie! I’ve never even seen one of their stores in person. But I look at their dresses on sale on eBay sometimes. =o)

    I loved Easy A. Which is not really something I can tell most people. Haha. But I love that clip too!

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