Yes, this looks like a month of pure fluff. I have been reading heavier things, but haven’t managed to finish them yet. Names My Sisters Call Me by Megan CraneMegan…
Yes, this looks like a month of pure fluff. I have been reading heavier things, but haven’t managed to finish them yet. Names My Sisters Call Me by Megan CraneMegan…
Sorry this is a little late. September was a quality-over-quantity month – three of these books were five-star reads! Grace For the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life…
I’m back! A few days to recharge without having to rush off to anywhere was just what I needed. I feel very refreshed! But I’d forgotten that when I spend…
One of my favorite blogs is Chatting at the Sky. I’m not exaggerating when I say I want to “star” or link to everything Emily posts. Her blog mostly focuses on…
via weheartit Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To by Anthony DeStefano This book is just what it sounds like. Although I disagree with the author on some key theological…