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Hanson and Tigers

I had a wonderful and VERY busy weekend. On Friday night I went to see Hanson perform at the Delta Fair. I’m not ashamed to say I’ve been a huge Hanson fan since 1997, and anyone who dismisses them (or doesn’t even know they’ve released four more albums since “Mmmbop”) is missing out. I actually spent ten minutes evangelizing about them to a guy on the Ferris wheel, after he asked me who was playing that night.  He may have been sorry he brought it up. LOL! This was my third Hanson show, and I’m sure it wasn’t my last. I was only about ten feet from the stage (on Isaac’s side, which was a happy accident since he’s always been my fave).

hanson2011 (2)

hanson2011 (1)
(It was impossible to get a good picture of Zac from where I was.
Also – the backup keyboardist looked just like Wallace from Veronica Mars. Be cool, soda pop!)
hanson2011 (7)

On Saturday morning, my friend Hillary and I went to the 100 Tigers exhibit on the U of M campus. To celebrate the university centennial next year, 100 big tiger sculptures were painted by different artists. This was the only time they’d all be shown in one place before they scatter them around town. It was REALLY cool and I’m so glad we went – I took a ridiculous amount of photos. Here are some of my favorite tigers:

100 Tigers 9/10/11
Papier-mache music tiger
100 Tigers 9/10/11
Glittery mosaic tiger
100 Tigers 9/10/11
Line-drawing tiger
100 Tigers 9/10/11
And of course, basketball tiger

Each tiger was assigned a class year. They were arranged semi-chronologically, and where my class’s tiger should have been, there was a gap. I was distraught and confused. Trying to console me, Hillary said it must have some special placement. To my surprise, she was right – the Class of 2001 tiger was voted Best in Show! :D

100 Tigers 9/10/11

That wasn’t the end of my weekend fun. I also rode my bike on the Greenline and got pizza and paletas with my mom, and attended an 80’s roller-skating party, but I don’t have pictures of those things. :)

Published inmusictigers


  1. Wow, you got some amazing pics of Hanson! That’s so funny about the one backup dude looking like Wallace. I never thought that, but I do think it’s cool they’ve had those guys tour with them for so long.

    Those Memphis Tigers are awesome! They keep doing things like that here – Jaguars (my favorite), manatees, and sea turtles are the ones I can think of.

  2. I enjoyed me some Hanson back in the day, however I am one of the ignorant ones that didn’t realize they put out four additional albums. They always seemed like good, grounded, and wholesome guys that didn’t get eaten alive or changed by show biz success. They automatically deserve tons of my respect for that. Thanks for the comments on our blog over the last few months. I enjoy all of them. Now that our crazy wedding is over I plan on being a better blog reader that leaves comments. Who doesn’t love comments??? Keep writing, Brenda! Maybe we both will get paid to do it someday. :)

  3. You got some great pics at the concert!

    I love the tigers! Back where Ginny lived, they did snowmen and they were adorable. I’ve been somewhere else that they did something similar, but I don’t remember what.

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