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5yrshouse (4)

As of today, I’ve been living in my house for five years! Quite a milestone considering everything that’s happened in that time. I love my house and am thankful for it every day. I wouldn’t have bought a house on my own if I’d never been married – I would have been too intimidated by the upkeep and mortgage payments. But thanks to God, my stable job, and the constant assistance of my dad and a posse of local repairmen, my house and I are doing all right. :) Being a single female homeowner is challenging and a little scary, but it’s also empowering, even if I need a lot of help. Hopefully I’ll need less help as I learn from experience, and as fewer things break.

My house is truly my sanctuary. About six months ago, I had a flash of inspiration and decided to name my house “The Cloister.” I like the idea of a sanctuary of beauty, rest, and contemplation, which is also a place of community. I think the name has a lot of positive connotations. I even painted a small plaque to hang outside the door. But I can’t figure out how to hang it, and I’m chicken that most people would misunderstand the name – or that I’d somehow be declaring nunhood over myself. I don’t want to be a nun, and men are totally welcome at The Cloister.

Anyway, I know I’m very blessed.

5yrshouse (2)

5yrshouse (3)

Published inmilestone


  1. I love these pictures! Congratulations on 5 years! With all that our house has put us through, we’ve had a rough 6 years, but honestly I love my house like crazy!

  2. I love that last picture of you hugging your house! I’m so glad you’ve could keep the house and have a place to call your own. I don’t think the name The Cloister is weird. I think it’s cute. :)

  3. R R

    I remember storm doors from our life in New England … ours had removable glass panes so we could put in screens during the summer. I love storm/screen doors and yours is lovely with the oak leaves and acorns. Happy Housiversary.

    I have yet to live in one home for more than four years (during my adult life), so here’s to hoping we can celebrate five years in one place soon (coming up to 3 years in our current abode). Also, thanks for the history lesson link about “cloister” – I’d never heard the term before!

  4. Happy Houseiversary!! Five years is great :)
    I probably wouldn’t have the courage to own and take care of a house all by myself but having dad or brothers to help out and get advice from is great!!

    I love your front door :)

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