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Ice Storm 2013


We had a small ice storm last weekend! It shut down most of the city, even though the roads were generally okay. I lost a few tree limbs but thankfully never lost power.

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To me, a perpetually overextended introvert, a snow/ice day (or weekend) is the greatest gift. It means I don’t have to go anywhere. It allows me to slow down for as long as the ice lasts. On Friday morning, I was mentally composing a list of what I really need this Christmas – a lot of things that you can’t put on an Amazon wish list. One of them was the gift of time. Yes, every once in a while, you get an answer to prayer immediately. My Christmas panic was already building, but this weekend pushed the reset button before I was too far gone.

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Everything has melted here in Memphis, but I know a lot of the country is just getting started. Stay safe and warm, everyone!

Published inwinter


  1. Such beautiful photos! Especially the berries. Gave me the chills. :) I’m so glad you had some downtime. Ice storms are always so scary lovely.

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