Main Events

While I realize aging is a privilege, I felt a little weird about turning 43 this month. It’s such a random number (I prefer even numbers, or multiples of 5) and it feels… older than all the other ages I’ve been. On my birthday this year, I took the day off work, went to an exercise class, bought plants, and enjoyed all the birthday beverages. In the evening, my MIL watched the kiddo so Taylor and I could go downtown for dinner and a movie. It was a pretty good day!

The first Friday in August was a calm afternoon. I had the house to myself, was really getting things squared away workwise and homewise, and felt good. Then I heard a crash so loud it shook the house. At this point I’m well acquainted with the sound of trees breaking, so I knew what it was, but not how large or where it was falling. I ran for the stairs, and, having determined the house was intact, went out back to check things out. What I saw shook me up so much that I called Taylor and he came home immediately.

Our neighbors’ giant oak tree had dropped its biggest limb yet across our backyard, destroying our shed, breaking our fence for at least the third time, and, of course, taking out the power. This limb by itself was the size of a large tree. If any of us had been there when it fell, we legit could have been killed. (Taylor has been nervous out there ever since the ice storm. I kind of thought he was paranoid. I don’t think that anymore.) Our neighbors felt so bad, but I reassured them it wasn’t their fault – they’ve tried for months to have the tree removed and no one would take the job. Since the power wasn’t coming back anytime soon and it was a hundred degrees, we had to decamp to Taylor’s brother’s house for the weekend. It was a circus at our house for a few days, but by the end of it, the debris was cleaned, the fence was repaired, and the giant oak was gone. Of course it was sad to lose such a majestic tree, but it was a hazard to all of us at this point.

At least C3 had a blast with the dogs at my BIL’s house.

Finally, we turned over my condo this month for new renters! We got all the paint touched up, and I put new plants in the plant wall and cleaned up the landscaping. This Rose of Sharon (above) was basically a stick when I planted it in 2016. Now it’s a tree. It did me good to spend time at the condo, although, of course, I just wanted to move back in. I’ll probably never have another home like it. A peaceful haven that I chose for myself, with everything the way I liked it.

August was a sluggish reading month. I’m trying to clear the decks. I DNFed one book and considered abandoning my current one too, but am powering through. Once I knock that out, I need to finish Now What?, which I was holding off on to discuss with friends. Then I’m going to read something fun and engaging. Anyway, I’m not in the mood to do summaries right now, just ask me about these if you have questions!
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet by John Green (4.5 stars)
The Vacationers by Emma Straub (4 stars)
This Will All Be Over Soon: A Memoir by Cecily Strong (4 stars)
I chose Nope as my birthday movie. It was really good. I don’t like scary movies, but I love Jordan Peele.
Both of the shows Taylor and I watch together – Better Call Saul and For All Mankind – are now over (forever, and until next season, respectively). Both of these seasons were fantastic. FAM is truly the most underrated show around. I have a long list of shows I personally want to watch, but there’s not room in my schedule currently for TV alone time.
Around Town

My birthday party was at the new Wiseacre taproom/HQ downtown. It opened around the beginning of covid, and then I was pregnant, and then I had a baby, and we were still in a pandemic… so I had never been! I was excited to hang out there at last. It was a surprisingly kid-friendly place on a Sunday afternoon.
It was great to see so many of my friends. I felt loved. C was also living his best life.

To cap off my birthday week, Kathy and I saw To Kill a Mockingbird at the Orpheum. No pics, but it was powerful!
At Home

On a rare trip to TJ’s, I grabbed some fresh eucalyptus to hang in the shower, as seen on bougie Instagram. Maybe I did it wrong, because I never smelled anything! It just looked pretty.
I’ve been wanting a watermelon peperomia for a while. Found this tiny one at Golden Hour downtown! The last plant in this pot didn’t do so well, so I’m hoping it hangs on. All my propagations are thriving. Starting to feel like a real plant lady.
Our hibiscus is hitting its stride. I can’t believe how vibrant these flowers are.


I don’t want to make too big a thing of it, but I started A Program on my birthday. It’s an intensive 8-week fitness program with the moms group I went to on my maternity leave. I signed up primarily for the workouts and group environment, but there’s also a heavy diet – excuse me, lifestyle change – component. I’m following the rules because I don’t want to be the only person with no results at the end (and, as we all know, I fear disapproval). Is it the best situation for a person with iffy mental health around food? No. But I’m staying self-aware, and my sister and Kara are keeping an eye on me. So far it’s been fine, but this is week 3 and I’m starting to hit a wall. Or as I call it, the “crying while cramming spinach into your mouth” phase. On a positive note, the workouts are great. All the muscle memory I’ve built over a lifetime is coming back. I’m starting to feel like myself in my body for the first time since March 2020.
Anyway, part of the program is drinking a lot of water. I bought this Reduce cold cup when I was pregnant, because I heard it was very important to have a great water bottle for postpartum. I didn’t use it a ton then, but when I started this, it became my best friend. I love it so much I bought another one to keep at the office. The handle and the straw are both key. If I try to drink plain water from a glass, I’m overcome by how boring it is, but from a straw in an opaque cup, it could be anything.
When I’m not at the office, I’ve been living in my J. Crew Factory v-necks and some $7 shorts from Costco. They’re not available on the website, but the pockets zip up and they’re super comfortable. I have three pairs. I also LOVE my J. Crew bike shorts with side pockets for workouts.

Two new items resulting from my spa day last month: I was a big Seche Vite fan in the 20teens, but gave it up for multiple reasons. When the manicurist busted out this Seche Vive top coat, I was intrigued. Well, it’s a miracle product. My manicure lasted 10 days with no chips, and my pedicure is still going. I had to get some. I also bought a lactic acid serum because the aesthetician used a similar one. I’ve heard people say a product made their skin “bouncy” and never understood what that meant until now. I saw a difference the next morning with this serum. It’s like 10 bucks.
Current top Ipsy bag selections: MAC Stack mascara (the best so far of the many mascaras I’ve received), and H20+ gel cream. Great for undereyes in the summer heat.

I’ve been seeing my stylist for about 15 years, and this is one of the best haircuts she’s ever given me. I don’t know what it is about it, but I feel great.
Random Happiness

On my way to Alanna’s birthday dinner at Shelby Farms, I saw a huge double rainbow! My fave.

I splurged on a new keyboard for the home office, because my old one was so noisy it was damaging my calm. I have no regrets. C3 enjoys pounding on it and throwing my mouse around the room.
Baby Update

C3 is 14 months old! He’s making big strides in both talking and movement. He doesn’t say many actual words, but babbles and expresses himself constantly, and yesterday he said “peekaboo” while popping his head over the couch. He is right on the edge of walking. I mean standing and cruising confidently, only needing support with one hand, climbing stairs… just not taking that step forward! I’m not concerned, especially since he’s a bigger kid and has more mass to move around. I am excitedly anticipating it though.
He still doesn’t sleep through the night. It is not fun. I am not interested in advice about it, only commiseration, or miracle testimony about your difficult sleeper who suddenly got his or her act together. I look at sleep consultants every day online. Every day. I hear 18-24 months is a time when a lot of issues resolve themselves, so maybe relief is on the way.
We had a lot of sickness this month. Not covid. Just the general crud that we knew would come with daycare. I asked around about how long everyone is sick once your kid goes to daycare, and most people told me a year. ** nausea emoji ** Still, I’d rather go through this now than when he goes to kindergarten and it could interfere with his learning. I figure I should just start covid-testing us all weekly, like sports teams.
Your Monthly Rufus

Rufus has been looking extra handsome this month.

On the Blog
I wrote out some stuff that had been percolating for a long time: Thoughts on Parenthood After 14 Months.
Good Reads
Why Did the World Fall in Love With Elyse Myers? Great Question, I’d Love to Tell You
What Teachers Wish Parents Knew
The Metamorphosis of Mindy Kaling
Catherine Newman’s House Is a Joyful Jumble of Books, Games and Cats
The Beginnings of Student Debt Jubilee
The Mom From ‘Bluey’ Gives Me Permission To Be an Introverted Parent

“I’ll probably never have another home like it. A peaceful haven that I chose for myself, with everything the way I liked it.”
Was it hard adjusting to sharing a home after you got married? For me, it has been much harder than I ever expected. Especially because my husband also likes to decorate. In our next house, I hope to have one room that is just mine. That I’m in charge of lol.
Yes. We both lived alone for a long time and really took up space, which I don’t regret, but it’s made living together tougher! My husband has opinions about decor too. The only room that’s just mine is my office!