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New Boots and Inspiration

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Last weekend, I had an experience that’s common for me. Armed with a $10 off certificate, I went to DSW with the goal of buying flat brown boots. They didn’t have those Steve Madden boots I posted about a while back, but these classic Civico 10 boots were pretty much perfect… except for the price. I finally decided to go home and order them online to save as much as possible in coupon codes and Ebates. You can probably guess what happened. They didn’t have my size online in the brown. They weren’t for sale anywhere else. I was consumed with regret. So yesterday, I made another trip to DSW to buy the ones I had tried on. By then, it was less painful to spend the money. :P But the boots are real leather and will last forever, and I got a free quilted bag with purchase, which I can use as a laptop bag (something I’ve needed for a while). I’m excited to wear these with skinny jeans, dresses, and skirts!

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The cats were determined to be part of the photo shoot. (I carried the mirror around the house trying to find a well-lit area….)


As long as I’m talking about shoes, these Steve Madden flip-flops were a total impulse buy a couple of months ago (also at DSW – I’m a very loyal customer), but I’ve worn them practically nonstop ever since. They’re so cute and go with everything!

I’d shop less if I didn’t get so many ideas. I have constant flashes of creative inspiration. This also goes for crafts, home decor, cooking, etc., but nowadays it manifests itself most often through fashion. I’ll see something in a magazine, on a blog, or on someone I know, and instantly I know exactly what I want and how I want to adapt it. (I could probably cut back on magazines and blogs, but the ideas would still come.) The problem is, then I have to find it, and because I’m me, I want to find it as cheap as possible. It’s a long, frustrating process, and usually, the longer I’m deterred, the more obsessed I get. If I had my mother’s sewing abilities, I would design and make most of my clothes myself and avoid all the trouble. Sadly, sewing machines and I don’t really get along. I think the style single-mindedness is inherited, though.

PS – the blog has a new look! Come check it out if you’re viewing this in a reader. It’s a free template from How Joyful Design and I’m really pleased with it!

Published increativefashion


  1. It’s an adorable new layout. I always go from the reader to a new screen. :)

    Love the boots! They’re a classic design, so it’s not like they’ll ever go out of style. And I ADORE your flip-flops!! They’re so cute!

    Oh, and I had to laugh at your kitties. ;)

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