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One Word: Peace

Seven years ago, I stopped doing New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I choose a word to guide my year. I start thinking about common themes in my life and the world around me, what I need help with, and what I think God is showing me. The practice of choosing a word has become more natural over time, and this year’s word is a pure shot from the gut. I probably underthought it. 2019 was my year of upheaval. I experienced almost every major life change (sometimes twice – three homes in six months!). While much of it was driven by positive events, it’s certainly taken a toll. So when I paused to think about what I want and need in 2020, only one thing came to mind.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – Jesus, John 14:27

Give it to God and go to sleep. – Elizabeth Esther

As peacemakers, we must resist all the powers of war and destruction and proclaim that peace is the divine gift offered to all who affirm life. Resistance means saying no to all the forces of death, wherever they may be. – Henri Nouwen

[W]e’ve forgotten what it’s like to live in a peaceful and reasonable climate. If there is to be any peace or reason, we have to create it in our own hearts and homes. – Madeleine L’Engle

We come in peace, but we mean business. – Janelle Monae

Here are some aspects of peace I want to explore this year:

Peace in the home. On January 2, Taylor and I moved into what we hope will be our long-term home. After a year of instability and never knowing where most of my stuff was, I’m so thankful to have plenty of space for both of us to spread out and really settle in. I spent most of last year not able to fully connect with or rest in my home because I knew I’d have to leave it soon. Now we can create a lasting place of peace. I hope to be a good steward of our home with lots of loved ones under our roof, a clearly designated place for everything, and many happy hours of gardening.

Peace in my heart. We live in turbulent, scary times. I can’t establish an inner core of peace by looking around me. I have to find it within, so it can radiate out to a world that needs it. I want to really trust God again, something I’ve been struggling with for several years. I want to get better at tuning out the critical voices in my head that are (probably) much harsher than what anyone is thinking in reality. I want to learn more about contemplation. I need space and silence.

Being a peacemaker. This does not mean refusing to rock the boat – to paraphrase two of my quotes above, peacemaking can be pretty badass. I don’t know exactly what that looks like or where the boundaries are, but I plan to start finding out.

That’s all I’ve got. I’m tired and ready for peace!

Previous Words

2019: Love
2018: Fearless
2017: Abundance
2016: Light
2015: Enough
2014: Alive
2013: Focus

Published inone word 365


  1. Lexie Johnston Lexie Johnston

    One of the most beautiful posts you’ve ever written! So, so good! When I saw your word, my first thought was “perfect. That’s so perfect for her at this time!” Even better that you underthought it. Can’t wait to see your year of peace! (And can’t wait to see your new home!)

  2. […] a Brokenhearted World by Osheta Moore (4.5 stars) This book has been on my TBR for a while, but my Year of Peace plus Osheta Moore’s anti-racism work prompted me to read it now. She explains the concept of […]

  3. […] One Word for 2020 was Peace. Ha ha!! My main takeaway was the importance of finding and maintaining peace within, because I’m […]

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