I find it almost impossible to settle on one “favorite” anything. But if asked to name only one favorite movie, When Harry Met Sally is usually my choice. Like some…
I find it almost impossible to settle on one “favorite” anything. But if asked to name only one favorite movie, When Harry Met Sally is usually my choice. Like some…
Over these last few months, I’ve really fallen off the cooking bandwagon. More often than not, my dinner consists of salad, a veggie omelet, or embellished Lipton broccoli and cheese noodles. While there’s…
I lived in a dorm for all four years of college (well, three years in a dorm and then one year in on-campus apartments). Despite the less-than-stellar lodging, it was…
Sorry this is a little late. September was a quality-over-quantity month – three of these books were five-star reads! Grace For the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life…
I was perusing my quotes file this week, and came across this excellent one from the book The Soul Tells A Story: Creative people learn to savor whatever befalls them. Sometimes…