Rainbows are still popping up around here with surprising frequency. They keep appearing in the evening, after work, while I’m out and about. The first few caught me by surprise.…
Rainbows are still popping up around here with surprising frequency. They keep appearing in the evening, after work, while I’m out and about. The first few caught me by surprise.…
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare (4 stars) The sixth and final book of the Mortal Instruments series finds our heroes literally walking into hell to fight Clary’s brother…
General Highlights: We had the second-rainiest June on record, which led to a lot of rainbows! I celebrated 25 years of living in Memphis. My BFF Alanna and I did…
I’ve loved Adele’s “Rolling In The Deep” since the first time I heard it. Even when it was on the radio three times an hour, I never got sick of…
As far as I’m concerned, Dr. Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly deserves all the hype it gets and then some. For the uninitiated, Daring Greatly is about the epidemic of…