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Spring Arriving

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The small park near my house is a consistent joy in my life. It’s where I jog and people-watch. Sometimes I drive over with a picnic blanket and read next to the fountain with the ducks. There’s a thicket of trees in the back corner that has always been sort of magical to me – one year I took pictures of them at the peak of all four seasons. (Note to self: do something with those pictures.)

For about a week in spring, all the cherry trees in the park bloom at once. It’s an incredible sight. On my way to a party on Saturday, I stopped to take some photos!

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I love the carpet of fallen petals almost as much as the blossoms on the trees!

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Other signs of spring:

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When I opened the blinds Monday morning, this little cottontail rabbit was eating fallen seed from my bird feeder! I had a wonderful pet rabbit for eight years, and therefore get VERY excited about them. This one hung out for about fifteen minutes before suddenly spooking and hopping away. I hope to see him again!

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My daffodils took a while to emerge, but they were worth the wait.

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And of course, the squirrels are always around!

Published innaturespring


  1. Those blossoms are so beautiful! We don’t see such an obvious change of the seasons around here, so I get all excited when other people share their spring photos.

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