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Thanksgiving Weekend Recap



For the second year in a row, I spent Thanksgiving with my sister’s in-laws in north Alabama! My dad and brother go deer hunting every Thanksgiving, a tradition that led to the total splitting up of our family on the holiday. Rather than go to Miami with my mom for the entire long weekend, I enjoy being with Debra and Lance (and now my niece!), then spending the rest of the weekend at home. Lance’s family is wonderful and very welcoming. I have a great time with them.

making Church Windows

I’ve mentioned that my late grandma used to make a signature dessert for us kids, Church Windows. Thanksgiving was always prime Church Window time, so Debra and I made a batch to be enjoyed by all. (After all that experimentation, all we needed was almond bark and fruit-flavored mini-marshmallows.) We went to TWO Thanksgiving dinners and still had some left over.


Niecy will be seven months old next week. She’s sitting up, eating a variety of solid foods, and “talking” up a storm (no real words yet, though). She was her usual sunny self for her first Thanksgiving!



I bond with several of Lance’s relatives over plants and gardening, and his Nanny gave me a bunch of wisteria seed pods. I love wisteria… can anyone tell me what to do with it? :) I know it needs something to climb. I think the seed pods are beautiful in themselves. If I was a woman of the forest, I would string one up as a pendant necklace.


Before heading to our respective homes on Friday, we ladies went to the park. Niecy took her first trip down a slide (in Debra’s lap, of course) and seemed to like it.


Right after getting home from Alabama, I went to Myla’s birthday party (her actual birthday is today!). We ate Korean food and sang karaoke far into the night. It was awesome and I had a BLAST, but couldn’t do much more than shout-sing, due to annoying sinus crud that’s still hanging on. We need to go again sometime when I have a voice. :)

Due to feeling bad, I spent the rest of the weekend at home, only venturing out for church and a Kroger run. I watched most of the Star Wars marathon on Spike and bits and pieces of all the important football games, and cleaned out my DVR. It’s hard for me to take it easy to that degree, but I do feel rested and improved today. I still sound awful, though. Hopefully I’m getting this out of the way now and won’t be sick during December!

Published incelebratefallfamilyfriends

One Comment

  1. Niecy is SO cute! You’re making me want a baby. :Þ

    I’m glad you had a fun weekend, and I hope you’re feeling better soon!

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