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The Grace Card


Today is a big day for many Memphians. It’s the wide release of The Grace Card, a film about race, forgiveness, and reconciliation that was created and produced by members of my parents’ church. The filming took place here in Memphis in October 2009, and it was a 24-hour-a-day effort that involved the entire congregation. My mom worked in wardrobe, and my dad was on the security team and guarded Louis Gossett Jr.’s trailer. :) A lot of other local churches were involved too – a member of my own church played a doctor!

My parents invited me to the pre-pre-screening of The Grace Card for the congregation last summer. In all honesty, my expectations were pretty low. I kept hearing that the movie was as professional as Fireproof, but as much as I admired everyone’s hard work, I wasn’t sure that a bunch of relative amateurs could pull off something of that caliber. But they really did. I was VERY impressed, and I felt honored to be part of the excitement in that sanctuary, with a crowd of people who had just received visible proof that what they had done meant something. There are few things more satisfying than creating something great, and then sending your creation off into the world knowing that it’ll have an impact for good. I’m very confident that this movie will.

If the general themes of this movie don’t grab you, but you’re interested in Memphis, see it for the local influence. :) In my opinion, it’s an accurate representation of Memphis and its good and bad attributes.

To find a theater near you that’s showing The Grace Card, go here.

Published infaithmemphismovies


  1. Thanks so much for your sharing the news about The Grace Card movie that releases to theaters today (2/25/2011)!

    Very quickly, I wanted to let you know about THE GRACE CARD app released on Facebook last weekend! This app provides you and your fans/friends the opportunity to share an exclusive 5-minute clip of the movie with their friends!

    Please feel free to share this information/links on your blog as well:
    “WATCH an exclusive 5-minute clip from the The Grace Card movie’s FACEBOOK page before it opens in theaters across the nation TODAY, 2/25/2011!”

    1. DIRECT LINK to app:
    2. Link to Grace Card fan page:

  2. How cool that your parents got to work on a movie! And you got to see it several months before the release. I’ll have to see it for the local influence. There isn’t too much out there that captures Memphis accurately…in my opinion anyways. :)

  3. I went and saw it today! I LOVED it!!!! A lady I work with plays the mom of the main family- the McDonalds. The other cop, Sam, is a parent at our school, and one of his daughters goes to our school. A husband of another teacher at our school is in the jury, and her daughter is in a crowd of kids at the school. It was an absolutely awesome awesome movie!

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