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Top Ten Tuesday: Ignored Books

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At Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon, February 2011 

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic (say that three times fast!) was books you just had to buy and still haven’t read. The floor next to my nightstand is OVERFLOWING with such books, so all I have to do is survey it:

1. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I know so many people obsessed with this book, but I’m still trying to make myself read it. I regret to admit that I have a few beefs with the whole Thankfulness Movement. Blog post still percolating.

2. Men and Women In The Church by Sarah Sumner

3. and 4. Driftwood Lane and Surrender Bay by Denise Hunter (part of her Nantucket Love Story series)

5. Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women by Carolyn Custis James (This one is even signed!! Shame on me)

6. How Sweet It Is by Alice Wisler (another fluffy love story)

7. Bring Me A Unicorn by Anne Morrow Lindbergh (the first of her memoirs)

8. The Best Worst Thing: A Memoir by Kristen K. Brown

9. The Reason for God by Tim Keller

10. Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings by Matthew Dickerson

So I struggle to get motivated for heavier theological stuff AND Christian romance novels. I guess my sweet spot is in the middle? :\ Seriously, I shouldn’t be hard on myself for getting around to most of these slowly. I’m not a seminary student, even if I occasionally wish I was.

Published inreading


  1. I love One Thousand Gifts. But what I still can’t compute is its theology of suffering: that “all is grace”. I haven’t yet been able to reconcile that to my (John Eldredge-informed) understanding of suffering: that the Enemy is behind a lot of it and that it isn’t always God’s plan. I assumed you wouldn’t have a problem with that because of your ‘Sovereign God = empowered women’ post, so I’ll be keen to hear your thoughts on the Thankfulness Movement.

  2. I’m interested in your thoughts on the Thankful movement! And on 1, at first I thought you meant the book sounds awful, and I was going to agree. :P I’ve read some brief passages and it’s so NOT my favorite style of writing. I doubt I could get through a chapter. But other less cold people seem to like it. :)

    • Ann’s writing certainly isn’t for everyone – I know a few people who couldn’t make themselves read it because of her style (and not because they’re ‘cold’!). Which is a shame, in a way, because I think many of her reflections in the book are relevant and beautiful.

  3. This post made me laugh…because I think every reader has a bunch of unread books lying around. This is certainly true for me…and every now and then I will stack them up and declare…”no more new books or library books until I read these or get rid of them.” And I’ll clear out a book or two and then move on to other more interesting books…until the next time “I declare…” It feels like a sin to get rid of an unread book that has somehow wound up in my possession. I know it’s stupid, but there you have it.

  4. Interesting list. I am with you – the books that don’t get read by me are the same types. I am now interested in this thankfulness movement. I’ve read some of Voskamp’s blog posts and they are always beautiful. I didn’t realize there was a dichotomy between thankfulness and suffering. Aren’t we supposed to give thanks in all things? Suffering refines us. I see thankfulness during suffering as a sign of faith – isn’t suffering inevitable?

  5. I read Men and Women in the Church earlier this year and really appreciated it!

    I’m not familiar with the “thankful movement.” You’ll have to post more.

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