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Week In Review

Imagine Dragons – I was so inspired, I made this myself from my own photo

This has been a rough week, so in an effort to counteract, I’m going to list a few positive things that have happened:

– I finally got some good medication for eternally-sick me, and my eternally-sick cat.

– If my sick cat needs more testing, I found out it won’t be prohibitively expensive like I thought. (I keep meaning to post about her, if only for other cat people, but I’ve been waiting forever for a diagnosis.)

– I received helpful and encouraging writing advice from an experienced friend (sorry I haven’t responded yet!).

– The Tigers are 3-0 so far in conference play. We can’t take this for granted.

@FantasyPastner followed me back! (Honestly, I think this was the highlight of my week.)

– My Wednesday night church small group is meeting again after a long hiatus. I’m very thankful for these kind, genuine people, who care about what’s going on in my life and don’t let me get away with evading questions.

– I have a new blog follower – shoutout to Sassy Southern Mama!

– I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on my new haircut and general appearance (an area where I always need encouragement). A co-worker even compared me to Anne Hathaway. Which is totally absurd, but I’ll take it.

– I’m finally reading Gone Girl. I was on the Kindle waiting list at the library for months. I’m over halfway through already, and will DEFINITELY need to discuss it when I’m done! I mean WOW.

– It’s a three-day weekend. Hallelujah! I know it’s nice to do some sort of community service on MLK Day, but seeing as I’ve been sick for two months, I’m just taking a pass to rest as much as possible.


Totally unrelated: Can anyone provide good tips for using Google+ in connection with my blog? Thanks to Alyssa, I found out that I was a no-reply blogger, meaning no one could reply to comments I left on other blogs. I think I’ve fixed it now, but what else do I not know about? :\ Google+ and the “new” Blogger are so difficult to figure out and use. I understand why most people eventually migrate to WordPress.

Published inlife latelythankful


  1. Aww, thanks for the shoutout lady!

    LOVE that I’ve found a fellow Tigers basketball fan! And I would be stoked if Fantasy Pastner followed me back! I loved the “Who the coffee beans stole my flash cards?” before the Rice game. HI-larious.

    And DEFINITELY let us know your thoughts on Gone Girl! I have been toying with reading it, but have heard mixed reviews.

  2. R R

    So sorry about the tough week, but it’s good to hear you thinking positively amidst it all. I hope everything gets better! Enjoy the 3-day weekend.

  3. So yesterday I was trying to link to my blog on Facebook and it said that my blog no longer existed. I’m still not sure what happened, but I was able to get it back. Talk about a panic attack. WordPress may be in my future.

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