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Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

My oily skin is giving me fits this summer. I don’t even remember it being this oily when I was a teenager, although admittedly that was a long time ago. When I complained to some online friends about needing an anti-moisturizer, Nancy recommended making an apple cider vinegar toner. I’ve tried a baking soda/ACV hair rinse a couple of times, and while it was nice for my scalp, I couldn’t deal with smelling like a salad for days. But she reassured me that the smell fades quickly on your face. I figured I had nothing to lose.

Per these instructions, I bought a bottle of organic ACV “with mother” (I don’t even want to know what that is) at Whole Foods and mixed it 50/50 with water in an empty toner bottle. I’ve been applying it before bed for about ten days (the smell does go away almost immediately), and I’ve already noticed a difference. My face is now a reasonable degree of shiny that can be suppressed for more than five minutes. My skin feels softer and looks more even-toned. We’ll see what happens over time, but I’m so thankful that this is working! And it’s natural and cheap.

If any of you give this a try, let me know. I’m told it might make your skin worse before it gets better, but that hasn’t been my experience so far.

Published inbeauty


  1. R R

    I recently started taking Apple Cider supplements because of some recommendations for my health. It’s amazing how versatile vinegar is!

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