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Sorry I haven’t been posting much. Making time to work on a novel in addition to all my existing online stuff has been tough. Then I got sick. I had a great weekend, but woke up Monday morning feeling nauseated and awful. I’ve spent most of the past 48 hours going back and forth between my bed and the couch. But after lots of naps, hours of TV, and adding and removing multiple things from my online cart at Old Navy, I think I’m on an upswing and should be able to go back to work tomorrow.

At least I’ve been able to catch some shows and movies. I watched Away We Go on TV yesterday (with Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski) and it was great – like an older, pregnant version of Garden State. I also rented Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close this weekend and am still thinking about it. It was difficult to watch, but really good. (I haven’t read the book yet.) Yesterday the highlight of my day was a new episode of my new favorite show, Bunheads. And I’m enjoying the Olympic trials – more swimming tonight! Although nothing makes me feel wimpier than watching elite athletes qualify for the Olympics while I’m too sick to even get off the couch. Anyway, I never sit around like this normally, so  it’s kind of nice to rest without any pressure.

My cats have been happy to have me at home too. :)

Published inhealthtv


  1. R R

    Sorry about your illness, but yes, do live it up while you can. That’s the best way to get better. :)

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