It may be finally, officially spring, but we were under a winter weather advisory last night. I suspect true spring will take its time getting here this year. Womp womp.…
It may be finally, officially spring, but we were under a winter weather advisory last night. I suspect true spring will take its time getting here this year. Womp womp.…
You guys, I hate to break my new routine of deeper posts on Thursdays (Soapbox Thursdays, if you will), but there’s no way I can concentrate with my Tigers playing…
At Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon, February 2011 Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic (say that three times fast!) was books you just had to buy and still haven’t read.…
Last weekend, I got to see my sister, BIL, and niece for the first time since New Year’s Day! We met up in north central Alabama where Lance’s family lives.…
Lunching at Audubon Park Shortish list today. I blame the beautiful springlike weather! :) It’s amazing the difference longer days and warmer weather can make. ♦ Your daily dose of cuteness:…